Trik Fish Braided Line

*NEW* Gator Braid and Pitch Black Pitching Braid




Clermont, Fla. --- Trik Fish's new Gator Braid line comes by its name honestly. One even could argue that's how it got its name. Field testing proved the line tough enough to wrestle Florida alligators to the boat.

But that's not all this revolutionary new braid has going for it. 

"This is a new tool for anglers," said Trik Fish owner Dave Burkhardt. "Gator Braid is a unique, deep green color, a Swamp Green. There's nothing else like it. It fits right in to the bass environment."

Additionally, it's smoothness enables long casts, which makes it perfect for frogging, while its formulation resists wind knots. 

"And bites come alive with Gator Braid because of its sensitivity," Burkhardt added.

As he field tested the new line for 2 1/2 years--- and caught two 7-foot gators in the process--- Florida pro staffer Uby Rosell found other qualities to like as well, including its colorfastness and its durability. He also noted that it seems to generate more bites, a quality shared with Trik Fish's other new braid, Pitch Black, a colorfast black line for pitching and flipping.

"I like the Pitch Black for slower presentations and the Gator Braid for fishing moving baits," Rosell said. "Both have great castability and are super strong."

Amazing Long Life.   The durability, he added, is far superior to any other braid that he has tried. It won't break and the color holds, even when the line rubs against reeds, weeds, sticks and stones," he said.

"I've used one spool of Pitch Black for more than a year and all tournament season and I've still got it on my reel. You really can use this line a lot longer than others."

Superior, clear coatings help provide that strength and abrasion resistance. Plus, both both are ultra-thin for their test-pound ratings. 

Sold in 125-yard spools, Gator Braid is available in 20, 30, 40, 50, 65, and 80 pound test. While the Pitch Black is only available in 125-yard spools of 50 and 65 pound test. 

"Our New Braid line is strong, superior line in a unique, colorfast color that anglers are going to love" Burkhardt said.



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